TCS, HDFCsec employees paid salaries despite website quality problems, only domain investor not allowed to get paid work in India citing quality

The times of india reported that HDFCsec customers are facing a problem with their demat account
There is a mismatch between the valuation of their portfolio
In a specific case, a customer Ramesh Surwade reported that there was a major mismatch between the portfolio on the mobile app and desktop
The HDFCsec website is managed by Tata consultancy services (TCS)
This mismatch indicates that there is problem with the TCS software used by HDFCsec
TCS, HDFCsec are well known brand names, yet they provide poor quality services to their customer, and their employees get paid
In comparison the domain investor, who is also an experienced webmaster is not facing major problems with her websites, yet she is not allowed to get any paid work in India for the last 11 years, falsely citing quality work
Additionally the government agencies are also criminally defaming the domain investor, webmaster especially in panaji, goa falsely claiming that the google sponsored dog owning slim goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, greedy gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar and other lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not manage any website, are managing this and other websites to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the real webmaster

The HDFCsec problem shows the high levels of fraud in the indian tech and internet sector, though there are many quality problems in the HDFCsec account the HDFCsec, TCS employees get paid, while the experienced webmaster managing this and other websites in the network is not allowed to get any paid work in India since 2010, falsely citing quality work, though the websites are mostly accessible, and the webmaster has very less money compared to what HDFCsec is paying TCS for its website management, software