Greedy goan bhandari cheater tejas another fraud involved in SLAVERY of hardworking north karnataka migrants

In goa the SHAMELESS GREEDY goan bhandaris, gsbs, sindhis are openly involved in a massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket since 2010, criminally defaming hardworking migrants from north karnataka, robbing their data to get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the fraud ridden indian internet sector with the help of the shameless shivalli brahmins from udupi who have also got a government job for their lazy greedy fraud relative nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee nayanshree,greedy gujjus promoting fraud amita patel,indoris rewarding bespectacled cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena
In addition to panaji goan bhandari CHEATER sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, another lazy greedy goan bhandari FRAUD FAKING writing work is the SHAMELESS LAZY GREEDY panaji goan bhandari CHEATER LIAR tejas, whose equally FRAUD LIAR relatives goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik are powerful officials/leaders in goa and are DUPING companies, countries and people with fake stories about the writing fraudster tejas.
Some indications that goan bhandari CHEATER tejas is a LIAR, FRAUD is that
– bank details show that she has never received any payment for the writing work, which the government falsely claims she does
– she does not have a computer or laptop at home to do the writing work
– she lacks the computer, internet, english writing skills to do the writing work
All states will defend migrants from the state, only hardworking migrants from north karnataka find that there the karnataka officials do not help or defend them when lazy greedy fraudsters like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, greedy goans, sindhis, gujjus, indoris, haryana frauds like gurugram cheater mba ruchika kinge, rob their data to fake writing work, and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writer, in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD.

GREEDY FRAUD panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan ruthlessly CHEATS,ROBS obc engineers with good JEE rank

One of the reasons why the bhandari/obc community remains backward is because the bhandari/obc leaders/officials led by goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik are extremely ruthless in destroying the life of obc/bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank, like the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka, criminally defaming them, making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, to ruin their reputation, deny them the income and opportunities they deserved.
Then these shameless fraud goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik are falsely claiming that their relative GREEDY FRAUD panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan who has lived in goa all her life (like other panaji fraud goan gsb cheater housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro), has not studied engineering,does not have much savings of her own, has the impressive resume, savings of the single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka to give GREEDY FRAUD panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, who is denied the income and opportunities she deserved
Though her LIAR FRAUD brahmin lovers like j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay are allegedly giving their pet panaji call girl sunaina chodan, fake references, falsely claiming that the panaji CALL GIRL was their btech 1993 classmate, GREEDY FRAUD panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan knows that she has lived in goa all her life, has not studied engineering, and she could have easily refused to be part of brahmin/bania resume robbery racket if greedy sunaina, a shameless fraud had some honesty and humanity.
Instead being an extremely SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD, brahmin puppet panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, married to a gsb photographer, agreed to be part of the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket on the single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka, criminally defaming her and deny the single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper, the income and opportunities she deserved.