Most young people want a monthly salary without doing any work after google, tata’s work at home fraud is confirmed

Due to google, tata’s panaji work at home fraud of getting government jobs for frauds without doing any kind of work, panaji businesses are finding it difficult to get employees
Google, tata, indian tech and internet companies were so ruthless in destroying the life and reputation of a google competitor, domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper, that they got at least 8-9 lazy greedy goan, sindhi frauds raw/cbi jobs with monthly salaries only for FAKING computer work, bank account

Google, tata, indian tech and internet companies were aware that the panaji shameless sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan chandan, sons of panaji’s most shameless sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife naina chandan, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan were not doing any computer work, were not investing money in domains, yet being shameless scammers these fraud companies continue to support shameless sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan chandan in their banking, computer work fraud since 2013
Since Google, tata, indian tech and internet companies continue to support shameless sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan chandan in their endless frauds of getting a government job without doing any kind of work, now all young people in panaji want to follow the footsteps of google. tata’s favorite sindhi scammers, get a salary without doing any work only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS

Now businesses in panaji are finding it difficult to find employees who will do any kind of work, since everyone wants a salary without doing any kind of work
While earlier, there were only a few advertisements at panaji market bus stop, the number of jobs advertised has increased after it was confirmed that google, tata, indian tech and internet companies policy of getting government salaries for lazy greedy young frauds like panaji sindhi scammer brothers without doing any work was confirmed

For free job advertising please send email to

Google, tata, indian tech, internet companies, cbi fail to explain how their favorite sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, only COOKING, CLEANING, acquired computer,internet skills

Though Google, tata, indian tech, internet companies, cbi are making fake claims about their their favorite sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, only COOKING, CLEANING these fraud companies and government agencies acquired computer,internet skills falsely claim the panaji scammer has.
Like any fairskinned good looking school dropout who married a rich man 16 years older to her, google, tata and cbi;s favorite scammer school dropout naina chandan, was only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked xerox shop owning husband pran chandan, looking after her sons, chatting on phone and socializing since 1995, most people in india have no computer skills.
Since her scammer husband was making enough money, there is no reason why the sindhi scammer would spend hours sitting in front of a computer for doing computer work for others, neglecting her family and house
Like the goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, the panaji sindhi scammer naina chandan, does not have a desktop at home, the scammer sindhis may have acquired a laptop only a few years ago, which they rarely use.
Yet showing how ruthless the sindhi scammers, google, tata, indian internet companies, cbi, ntro are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING hardworking older single women professionals, they are criminally defaming the single woman and falsely claiming that panaji’s top sindhi scammer with no computer, internet skills, became an online expert

Panaji politicians and officials encourage young people to be lazy liars, cheat, exploit, criminally defame hardworking skilled older persons

One of the reasons why it is very difficult to hire anyone in panaji, is because Panaji politicians and officials encourage young people to be lazy liars, cheat, exploit, criminally defame hardworking skilled older persons
Instead of asking the young people to open their own paypal, bank account legally, get paid for the work they do, Panaji politicians and officials encourage, reward young people to be lazy liars, helping them commit cybercrime, corporate espionage on hardworking older single women the goa 1989 jee topper, and then falsely claim to own her paypal, bank account, domains.
Then to cover up their computer work, financial fraud, cybercrime, these young people are criminally defaming the hardworking single woman circulating photoshopped videos, spreading false rumors and are rewarded for this behavior by the Panaji politicians and officials
In contrast, the domain investor worked in Mumbai, where people did not fake computer work, till 2010, when google, tata, indian internet companies started the cybercrime, work at home fraud.

TCS, HDFCsec employees paid salaries despite website quality problems, only domain investor not allowed to get paid work in India citing quality

The times of india reported that HDFCsec customers are facing a problem with their demat account
There is a mismatch between the valuation of their portfolio
In a specific case, a customer Ramesh Surwade reported that there was a major mismatch between the portfolio on the mobile app and desktop
The HDFCsec website is managed by Tata consultancy services (TCS)
This mismatch indicates that there is problem with the TCS software used by HDFCsec
TCS, HDFCsec are well known brand names, yet they provide poor quality services to their customer, and their employees get paid
In comparison the domain investor, who is also an experienced webmaster is not facing major problems with her websites, yet she is not allowed to get any paid work in India for the last 11 years, falsely citing quality work
Additionally the government agencies are also criminally defaming the domain investor, webmaster especially in panaji, goa falsely claiming that the google sponsored dog owning slim goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, greedy gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar and other lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not manage any website, are managing this and other websites to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the real webmaster

The HDFCsec problem shows the high levels of fraud in the indian tech and internet sector, though there are many quality problems in the HDFCsec account the HDFCsec, TCS employees get paid, while the experienced webmaster managing this and other websites in the network is not allowed to get any paid work in India since 2010, falsely citing quality work, though the websites are mostly accessible, and the webmaster has very less money compared to what HDFCsec is paying TCS for its website management, software

Hardworking skilled indian citizens, often CHEATED, EXPLOITED, treated like slaves, victims of government skills fraud

One of the main reasons why the real domain investor is not slim is because of the indian and state government labor law violations on her since 2010, refusing to acknowledge the time she is spending doing the computer work, so the real domain investor has no time for cooking, eating healthy food, exercising , especially in panaji, goa due to goa government writing fraud on her.

Udhaynidhi Stalin’s comment on putting too much pressure exposes a top secret torture technique
Though the children of Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley are protesting, Udhaynidhi Stalin’s comment on putting too much pressure exposes a top secret torture technique
Udhaynidhi Stalins comment that sparked controversy was: “Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley died (because they were) unable to tolerate pressure and torture given by Prime Minister Modi”.
This torture technique is widely used in the indian internet and tech sector for destroying the health of hardworking indian citizens while rewarding the lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel of LIAR FRAUD ntro/raw employees with monthly government salaries for FAKING computer work, online income, domain investment at the expense of the real domain investor, the goa 1989 jee topper
For example bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, 2005 wife of tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, has no online income, does no writing work, yet since 2013, the indian, karnataka government is allegedly repeating the complete lies of the Apostek director puneet, another fraud ntro employee j srinivasan, who falsely claim that the 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science. kundapura was their btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top engineering college, owns the bank account of their real classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper., who the brahmin frauds puneet, j srinivasan, HATE, so that the brahmin cheater housewife gets a monthly raw salary at the expense of their real classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, who has no one to defend her against liar j srinivasan and other fraud government employees MISUSING her name

Experienced women engineers with a good JEE rank, 27 years experience will usually have a monthly income of at least Rs 1.5-3 lakh if they are working on computers for 8-10 hours a day. The friend of the domain investor, who is an engineer, not a btech degree was making Rs 1.3 lakh monthly a few years ago for a job where the work is almost the same or even less, with regular holidays, working hours

yet because her fraud btech 1993 ee brahmin/bania classmates like puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, tushar parekh have all stolen her resume, to get their call girl, sindhi scammer school dropout, cheater, robber housewife riddhi nayak caro and other lazy fraud friends raw/cbi jobs faking bank account, the goa 1989 jee topper is making almost nothing since 2010, while the fraud girlfriends and associates of LIAR ntro/raw employees are getting monthly government salaries without doing any computer work, without investing money online, only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS
In particular to avoid paying slim dog owning goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina chodan for her sex services, google, tata PIMPS are falsely claiming that the panaji call girl who does not have a computer at home, is doing all the computer work, managing websites to get her a monthly government salary, great powers at the expense of the real domain investor who is actually doing all the work, spending her time since 2012

Due to the indian government FINANCIAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations since 2010, the goa 1989 jee topper has almost no free time and very low income despite working 8-10 hours daily, having a much better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, so she does not have time for exercising, remaining fit, cooking and eating nutritious food while others enjoy, get monthly salaries at her expense without spending any time doing computer work, because google, tata support them in their CYBERCRIME, computer work, financial fraud .
So Udhaynidhi Stalin’s comment on indian government policy of overworking hardworking skilled citizens is partly true, with the case of the goa 1989 jee topper a classic example of how hardworking citizens are CHEATED, EXPLOITED, under great pressure in India at present, to ruin their health

Though panaji sindhi scammer cbi employee school dropout naina chandan was least interested in studying, LIAR panaji sindhi/gujju community specializes in RESUME ROBBERY to get her monthly cbi salary

في الكويت تتنوع اساليب السكن المستخدمه مثل السكن العمودي او المنازل الحكومية لذوي الدخل المحدد يمكنك من خلال شقق للايجار في الكويت البحث عن الشقة او الدور المناسب لك ولعائلتك للسكن فيه وبمختلف الاسعار
Fraud panaji sindhi xerox shop owner pran chandan DUPING people, companies, countries that his scammer wife, a school dropout from kolhapur is an experienced engineer
One of the biggest frauds in panaji is the Fraud panaji sindhi xerox shop owner pran chandan who is DUPING people, companies, countries that his scammer wife,naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, a school dropout, illegally married at 16, is an experienced engineer and has got his scammer wife a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real engineer
The fraud pran chandan, is aware that his kolhapur born scammer wife was least interested in studying after eight standard, she never got admission to engineering college, and no company would hire the shameless sindhi scammer school dropout as an engineer.
yet indicating how shameless scammers, the sindhi officials, community with the help of greedy gujju, goan officials like nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh is, they are criminally defaming a hardworking single woman engineer in the worst manner, and then DUPING people, companies, countries that the sindhi scammer housewife, a school dropout is an experienced engineer
Before the sindhis complain, they should answer the question, when their favorite scammer naina did not want to study after eighth standard, why does she,sindhi/gujju community want to fake engineering degree, experience in a case of PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT, RESUME ROBBERY, showing the complete lack of ethics, honesty and humanity of the leaders and officials,

Indian mainstream media refuses to cover the news of the shivalli brahmin, goan, sindhi gujju RESUME ROBBERY of the goa 1989 jee topper which is worse than police extortion

The indian mainstream media, especially republic tv, india tv and others are carrying the news of the mumbai police extortion, they refuse to carry the news of the the news of the shivalli brahmin, goan, sindhi gujju RESUME ROBBERY of the goa 1989 jee topper, whose resume, work is worth more than Rs 1.5-3 lakh monthly which is far worse than mumbai or other police extortion of a restaurant or bar which makes far less money

Greedy shameless LIAR FRAUD shivalli brahmin nayanshree, goan gsb like robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan , sindhi gujju women do not want to answer JEE study engineering , do computer work, invest money in domains, rely on shameless fraud brahmin, bania officials to FAKE HELP,. RELATIONSHIP with hardworking single women who have no one to help them like the goa 1989 jee topper and steal their resume, savings, make fake claims about their lazy greedy shivalli brahmin, goan, sindhi gujju women who get raw/cbi jobs only for making FAKE CLAIMS

after ROBBING everything from the goa 1989 jee topper, the LIAR brahmin ntro/raw employees led by mhow monsterf puneet agree they HATE the goa 1989 jee topper, yet the indian government continues to make FAKE CLAIMS about its lazy greedy cheater liar fraud employees to waste taxpayer money paying all these frauds a monthly government salary while criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper who is the real domain investor

Instead of running promos for .in, Nixi should end financial fraud, RESUME ROBBERY, on .in domain investors which is far worse than police extortion anywhere in india

Instead of running promos for .in, Nixi should end financial fraud, RESUME ROBBERY,human rights abuses on .in domain investors
Instead of running promos for .in, Nixi should end financial fraud, RESUME ROBBERY,human rights abuses on .in domain investors with raw/cbi falsely claiming that their well paid lazy greedy fraud school dropout, call girl, robber, cheater, fraud employees like housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel who do not spend any money on domains at all, own the domains of a private citizen, the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner by government agencies since 2010
The real domain investor is also fighting resume robbery by fraud ntro, raw, cbi employees who all HATE her, human rights abuses especially correspondence robbery, cybercrime, memory robbery, radiation torture.
The raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, sindhi school dropout naina chandan, indore robber deepika do not want to purchase any domains for the last 10 years, yet the government continues criminally defaming the real domain investor in the worst manner, making fake claims about the domain ownership to waste indian taxpayer money paying all the fraudsters monthly government salaries only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS.

Ten years is a very long time, yet the shameless fraud indian internet, tech sector, refuses to admit that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, sindhi school dropout naina chandan are least interested in investing any money in domains, they only want to falsely take credit and get monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME

Since the indian, state governments especially in panaji, goa refuse to end the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the real domain investor, a private citizen, she has not invested any money in .in domains for the last 9 years